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General FAQs About Taking the Course

Is Access Instant?

Yes, once you have completed the registration process you will receive an email immediately with your login information. You may want to check your “junk folder” if you do not see it right away.

Will I get a CD or manual in the mail?

NO, all course materials required are online.

Do I need to finish the course in one sitting?

No, the system will remember where you left off and start you there the next time you log in.

Do I need to use the same computer to access the course?

No, you can access your course from any computer that has an internet connection 24/7.

I can't get my password to work, what should I do?

Make sure your Caps Lock button is off, passwords are case sensitive. If you have logged in before you would have been asked to change your password. If you have forgotten your new password simply click on the "forgot my password?" link on the home page and your account info will be emailed to the email address you used when you first signed on. If you are still unable to log in please contact us and someone will be happy to assist you.

FAQs About River of Life

What is River of Life?

River of Life is an online course to address Aboriginal youth suicide prevention. It was designed in collaboration with Elders, Aboriginal community members and with extensive research.

Who designed River of Life?

River of Life was designed by the Centre for Suicide Prevention (CSP) in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. CSP was guided and directed by members of the Aboriginal communities in their area. It took over two years to develop and pilot the content before it went to online design.

What will I learn in the River of Life program?

River of Life focuses on the strength of Aboriginal culture, including their world view, spiritual understanding and relationship with each other and the world around them as strong protective factors. Supported by research and extensive consultations with Aboriginal communities, the course comprises of recognizing the impact of colonization, recognizing protective factors, warning signs, talking about suicide with youth, the process of intervention, legal responsibilities and three levels of suicide response: prevention, intervention and postvention.

How will I use this training?

You will use this training to work with others to engage, educate and empower your community, your schools, your police departments, health departments and so much more.

What will I have when I finish this?

There is a certificate of completion that you will be able to print when you've completed the course.

Can I help somebody if I take this course?

You can help somebody with the intervention skills learned in the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) program plus the River of Life program which teaches prevention, intervention and postvention skills.

Is this only a First Nations program?

No, this is not only a First Nations program; it is for the Métis and Inuit communities as well.

Is River of Life all I need to take?

The Centre for Suicide Prevention strongly recommends that each online participant take a suicide intervention workshop such as ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training).

What is ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)?

ASIST was developed by Living Works Education and is the most widely used suicide intervention workshop in the world. ASIST is a 2-day interactive course that meets professional training requirements by helping participants recognize risk and learn how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.

Are the River of Life and ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) the same?

NO, ASIST is different as it is an intervention program offered in a workshop format. River of Life deals specifically with prevention and postvention strategies.

FAQs About Partners

What is the Centre for Suicide Prevention?

The Centre for Suicide Prevention (CSP) is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and is an education centre specializing in curriculum development, training programs, library and information services. The purpose of the Centre is to inform and equip people with additional knowledge and skills in the prevention of suicide.

What is Millbrook Technologies?

Millbrook Technologies is located in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada and is owned by the Millbrook First Nation. Specializing in the customization of advanced technologies, Millbrook Technologies has the ability to provide a wide range of IT services.

Why are Millbrook Technologies and the Centre for Suicide Prevention so sure this program is unique?

These groups stand by the first online suicide prevention program in Canada. The course material was developed with the Aboriginal community as experts in such things as cultural values, specific community stories, and language sensitivity. Through this, we have an understanding of risk factors peculiar to each nation and a proposal of protective factors unique to Aboriginal thought and environment.

What else does the Centre for Suicide Prevention offer?

The Centre for Suicide Prevention offers workshops in general youth suicide, Straight Talk, suicide prevention for children, Tattered Teddies, Bereavement, suicide intervention, ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) and suicide awareness, safeTALK. It also has developed the first interactive handbook for suicide prevention in children, the Tattered Teddies Handbook. In addition, the Centre also houses the largest specialized suicide information library in the world, the Suicide Education and Information Collection (SIEC).